Tipping pic

Question 1: Tipping & Your Delivery Driver?

Our judge, Devlin, came out swinging with a topic that has led to a number of heated discussions in our house–tipping. Listen as Crystal attempts to defend tipping and tipping big, and Nathaniel takes the opposing view that tipping is an archaic practice that needs to disappear. Who will convince the judge? You will have to listen to find out…

Question 2: A $15 Minimum Wage?

Keeping with the theme of money, which is never far from this judge’s mind, Devlin asks our thoughts on a $15 minimum wage. Listen in as Nathaniel argues that $15 is the very least we can do for our workers, while Crystal defends American businesses and the issues that this proposal would create for them. Is our money-man convinced one way or the other? Give us 30 minutes, and you will have your answer…

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